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helm delete

helm delete --purge --dry-run

helm fetch

Retrieve a package from a package repository, and download it locally. There are options for unpacking the chart after download. This will create a directory for the chart and uncompress into that directory.

helm fetch --untar repo/chartname

helm get

It can be used to get extended information about the release, including:

  • The values used to generate the release
  • The chart used to generate the release
  • The generated manifest file

helm get hooks [flags] RELEASE-NAME - download all hooks for a named release
helm get manifest [flags] RELEASE-NAME - download the manifest for a named release
helm get notes [flags] RELEASE-NAME - displays the notes of the named release
helm get values [flags] RELEASE-NAME - download the values file for a named release
helm get all [flags] RELEASE-NAME - download all information for a named release

helm history

A default maximum of 256 revisions will be returned. Setting ‘–max’ configures the maximum length of the revision list returned.
helm history angry-bird --max=4 - lists the last 4 releses

helm init

initialize Helm on both client and server

helm inspect

It prints the contents of the Chart.yaml file and the values.yaml file.
helm inspect chart [CHART] [flags]

helm inspect values [CHART] [flags] - prints the values

helm install

  • To override values in a chart, use either the ‘–values’ flag and pass in a file or use the ‘–set’ flag and pass configuration from the command line.
  • To force string values in ‘–set’, use ‘–set-string’ instead.
  • You can specify the ‘–values’/‘-f’ flag multiple times. The priority will be given to the last (right-most) file specified.
  • You can specify the ‘–set’ flag multiple times. The priority will be given to the last (right-most) set specified
    $ helm install -f myvalues.yaml ./redis
    $ helm install --set name=prod ./redis
    $ helm install --set-string long-int=1234567890 ./redis
    $ helm install -f myvalues.yaml -f override.yaml ./redis
    $ helm install --set foo=bar --set foo=newbar ./redis
    $ helm install --name redis --namespace redis --set foo=bar ./redis

helm lint

examines a chart for possible issues

helm list

helm list --deleted # shows the deleted releases
helm list --all # shows all of the releases (deleted and currently deployed, as well as releases that failed)

Helm repo

helm repo index - generate an index file given a directory containing packaged charts
helm repo list - list releases
helm repo add dev - adds a repo
helm repo update - update information of available charts locally from chart repositories
helm repo remove - remove a chart repository

search the repos

helm search repo gitlab - To list all the charts available in the repo
helm search repo gitlab/gitlab-runner - To list the latest version of a chart
helm search repo -l reponame/chartname - To list all the chart versions of a specific chart

helm reset

This command uninstalls Tiller (the Helm server-side component) from your Kubernetes Cluster
helm reset --force

helm rollback

This command rolls back a release to a previous revision.
helm rollback [flags] [RELEASE] [REVISION]

helm upgrade

It upgrades a release to a specified version of a chart and/or updates chart values. To customize the chart values, use any of - ‘–values’/‘-f’ to pass in a yaml file holding settings, - ‘–set’ to provide one or more key=val pairs directly.

helm upgrade -f myvalues.yaml -f override.yaml redis ./redis
$ helm upgrade --set pwd='3jk$o2z=f\\30.e' redis ./redis


If no chart value arguments are provided on the command line, any existing customized values are carried forward. If you want to revert to just the values provided in the chart, use the ‘–reset-values flag.

helm status

This command shows the status of a named release. The status consists of:

  • last deployment time - k8s namespace in which the release lives
  • state of the release (can be: UNKNOWN, DEPLOYED, DELETED, SUPERSEDED, FAILED or DELETING)
  • list of resources that this release consists of, sorted by kind
  • details on last test suite run, if applicable - additional notes provided by the chart

helm status [flags] RELEASE-NAME

helm template

Render chart templates locally and display the output.
To render just one template in a chart, use ‘-x’:

$ helm template mychart -x templates/deployment.yaml