OIDC Headers

Here are the basic set of claims (identity information) that are passed in the headers.

Please note that you will not see this information in your browser since the information is retrieved via a backend call to the Meechum user info endpoint.

Identity Information / Claims Description Example
OIDC_access_token Access token eyJhbGc...BTgWQHxlVZu-4oQ
OIDC_access_token_expires Access token expiry time 1478592078
OIDC_refresh_token Refresh token Make sure APACHE_MEECHUM_PASS_REFRESH_TOKEN = On
OIDC_CLAIM_aud Application client_id nflx-houseofcards
OIDC_CLAIM_email User's email address meechum@netflix.com
OIDC_CLAIM_family_name Last name Meechum
OIDC_CLAIM_fullName Full name Edward Meechum
OIDC_CLAIM_given_name First name Edward
OIDC_CLAIM_googleGroups User's Google groups alllosgatos@netflix.com,alllosgatosemployeesonly@netflix.com,allnetflix@netflix.com, etc.
OIDC_CLAIM_iat Time at which the JWT was issued 1478584876
OIDC_CLAIM_iss Issuer of the response https://meechum.netflix.com
OIDC_CLAIM_jti A unique identifier for the token rlhhppGL46sRqHvvtpT5Pl
OIDC_CLAIM_name Full name Edward Meechum
OIDC_CLAIM_nonce nonce MuZ5KiDTSe..._IwcSOXyCxGyc
OIDC_CLAIM_org.company Company Streaming
OIDC_CLAIM_org.cube Cube number LGE-4040
OIDC_CLAIM_org.department Department Cloud Platform Engineering
OIDC_CLAIM_org.description Job description Capitol Police
OIDC_CLAIM_org.employeeNumber Employee number 999999
OIDC_CLAIM_org.employeetype Employment type (Employee Contractor
OIDC_CLAIM_org.Hierarchy Hierachy of managers President's Office (Reed Hastings) :: Product Management (Neil Hunt) :: Cloud Platform Engineering (Yury Izrailevsky) :: Cloud Platform Engineering (Jason Chan) :: Cloud Platform Engineering (Justin Slaten)
OIDC_CLAIM_org.hiredate hire date 4/22/15
OIDC_CLAIM_org.jobprofile User's Workday job profile Individual Contributor - Technical Function
OIDC_CLAIM_org.supervisor User's manager Cloud Platform Engineering (Justin Slaten)
OIDC_CLAIM_org.timeType User's employment time type Full time
OIDC_CLAIM_picture Google photo url https://plus.google.com/_/focus/photos/public/AIb...m9r7
OIDC_CLAIM_preferred_username username meechum
OIDC_CLAIM_sub Subject identifier meechum@netflix.com