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Using OpenSC


Install OpenSC and yubico-piv-tool

$ brew install opensc
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 3 taps (caskroom/cask, caskroom/versions, homebrew/core).
==> Updated Formulae
angular-cli                   gloox                         nim                           tinc
gdb                           gnustep-make                  node-build                    vagrant-completion

==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring opensc-0.17.0.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
Bash completion has been installed to:
==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/opensc/0.17.0: 104 files, 5.4MB

$ brew install yubico-piv-tool
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 3 taps (caskroom/cask, caskroom/versions, homebrew/core).
==> Updated Formulae
abcmidi             crash               fizmo               gammaray            libtiff             presto              todoman
ace                 deis                flow                gandi.cli           libuv               pumba               trafficserver
allure              eprover             flowgrind           gnome-builder       libxml2             rtv                 tth
app-engine-java     exact-image         fossil              gtksourceview3      lynis               sbt                 urh
bacula-fd           eye-d3              freeciv             harfbuzz            mpfr                sqlcipher           vala
ccm                 fabric              freexl              heroku              mysql-sandbox       sslyze              valabind
certbot             fatsort             fs-uae              hwloc               node@6              sysbench            webpack
cheat               fb-client           fuse-emulator       immortal            opendetex           telegraf            yarn
cmark-gfm           fbida               fuse-zip            io                  paket               termius
conan               feh                 gabedit             libchamplain        postgrest           terraform
consul-backinator   ffe                 galen               libspectrum         pre-commit          tippecanoe

==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring yubico-piv-tool-1.4.3.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/yubico-piv-tool/1.4.3: 18 files, 402.3KB

Create Private Key, Cert, and import the cert to Yubikey

For Yubikey 4c

yubico-piv-tool  -a generate -s 9a -A RSA2048 --pin-policy=never --touch-policy=always -o jkailasam.pem
Successfully generated a new private key.

yubico-piv-tool  -a selfsign-certificate -s 9a -S "/CN=SSH key/" -i jkailasam.pem -o jkailasam.cert
Successfully generated a new self signed certificate.

yubico-piv-tool  -a import-certificate -s 9a -i jkailasam.cert
Successfully imported a new certificate.

For Yubikey Neo

yubico-piv-tool  -a generate -s 9a -A RSA2048 --pin-policy=never --touch-policy=always -o jkailasam.pem
Successfully generated a new private key.

$ yubico-piv-tool  -a selfsign-certificate -s 9a -S "/CN=SSH key/" -i jkailasam.pem -o jkailasam.cert
Failed signing certificate.

$ yubico-piv-tool -a verify  -a selfsign-certificate -s 9a -S "/CN=SSH key/" -i jkailasam.pem -o jkailasam.cert
Enter PIN:
Successfully verified PIN.
Successfully generated a new self signed certificate.

$ yubico-piv-tool  -a import-certificate -s 9a -i jkailasam.cert
Successfully imported a new certificate.

Importing a pkcs12 key

$ yubico-piv-tool -s 9c -i -KPKCS12 -aset-chuid -a import-key -a import-cert
Enter Password:
Successfully set new CHUID.
Successfully imported a new private key.
Successfully imported a new certificate.

Verify if the cert is imported

$ yubico-piv-tool -a status
CHUID:  3019d4e739da739ced39ce739d836858210842108421384210c3f534102eccede9032e0f214a3a27388803dcb1350832303330303130313e00fe00
CCC:    f015a000000116ff026185ba455a1713f0f6b8b4595bc1f10121f20121f300f40100f50110f600f700fa00fb00fc00fd00fe00
Slot 9a:
    Algorithm:  RSA2048
    Subject DN: CN=SSH key
    Issuer DN:  CN=SSH key
    Fingerprint:    be4b10565a6bd1ca7affa2df70787ccbb08c6cdcf6f032c433147c2a7ce19ca4
    Not Before: Sep  7 22:24:14 2017 GMT
    Not After:  Sep  7 22:24:14 2018 GMT
PIN tries left: 3

Get the pubkey from opensc-pkcs11 moudle to copy to target system

$ ssh-keygen -D /usr/local/lib/ -e
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCY/yMCHZUugMqK7WyvRm9N7+O0zTSGowxQA9ltEqRk2Duf1bDLdXJntplxcrnl4aEYA2ahoEoPXqg66n4hMqH+QTaITgKdjIjJJ8r3yobq7Mjw2sG/R0Fc8gQNn79oXHJJtxYlwAuITN6cdJ5Quu9DkdsXNpBBGKWFAPVskzmz14LoBqeXiPaWVNhJ0lJVhXjqIUsFrzKptkljW9enqQzlDcpd1J8c4QW8xJN0nYqfUERw2psXmHCeULOwEnj4ZJROw3KTmsFyES0mTyXUscq0fgcfF1ZB2ziN1M8nl0MV9i1wTVpVCiBUTU1P0oPpEFq8eHFY+ndoWh88Vqu67o6R

Add the pubkey to authorized_keys file of the Target system

Authenticate the target system using the new PKCS key

$ ssh -I ./
Enter PIN for 'PIV Card Holder pin (PIV_II)':
    Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS(xenial): GNU/Linux 4.4.0-83-generic x86_64
    - Base AMI: nflx-base-5.36.0-h67.088774d
    - Package: bastion-main-3.166.0-h244.e96b1d2
    - EC2: asg=bastion-prod-v010, zone=us-west-2b, vmtype=m4.2xlarge

Add the key ssh-agent, and SSH to the system

cp  /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/
$ ssh-add -s /usr/local/lib/
Enter passphrase for PKCS#11:
Card added: /usr/local/lib/

$ ssh-add -L
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCY/yMCHZUugMqK7WyvRm9N7+O0zTSGowxQA9ltEqRk2Duf1bDLdXJntplxcrnl4aEYA2ahoEoPXqg66n4hMqH+QTaITgKdjIjJJ8r3yobq7Mjw2sG/R0Fc8gQNn79oXHJJtxYlwAuITN6cdJ5Quu9DkdsXNpBBGKWFAPVskzmz14LoBqeXiPaWVNhJ0lJVhXjqIUsFrzKptkljW9enqQzlDcpd1J8c4QW8xJN0nYqfUERw2psXmHCeULOwEnj4ZJROw3KTmsFyES0mTyXUscq0fgcfF1ZB2ziN1M8nl0MV9i1wTVpVCiBUTU1P0oPpEFq8eHFY+ndoWh88Vqu67o6R /usr/local/lib/

$ ssh
    Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS(xenial): GNU/Linux 4.4.0-83-generic x86_64
    - Base AMI: nflx-base-5.36.0-h67.088774d
    - Package: bastion-main-3.166.0-h244.e96b1d2
    - EC2: asg=bastion-prod-v010, zone=us-west-2a, vmtype=m4.2xlarge