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To print without new line in python3

>>> print('Print without newline', end='')
Print without newline>>>

In python2:

print print without newline,


Basic formatting:

'{} {}'.format('one', 'two')
'one two'

'{1} {0}'.format('one', 'two')
'two one'

Padding and aligning strings

Align Right:

'    test'


Align Left

'test    '


Align Center

'   test   '


Truncating long strings


Numbers and conversions using format

Padding numbers:
'  42'

format decimal to binary

format decimal to octal

To format decimal to Hexadecimal

octal and rjust with 8 character width
'     377'

'377     '

'{0} {0} {0} {0}'.format(15)
'15 15 15 15'

'{0:5d} {0:5X} {0:5b} {0:5o}'.format(15)
'   15    F  1111   17'

'{0:{w}d} {0:{w}X} {0:{w}b} {0:{w}o}'.format(15, w=5)
'   15    F  1111   17'

Floating points:



Named placeholders

data = {'first': 'Hodor', 'last': 'Hodor!'}

'{first} {last}'.format(**data)
'Hodor Hodor!'
Getitem and Getattr New style formatting allows even greater flexibility in accessing nested data structures.

person = {'first':'jeeva', 'last':'kailasam'}
'{p[first]} {p[last]}'.format(p=person)
'jeeva kailasam'

data = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]
'{d[4]} {d[5]}'.format(d=data)
'23 42'